Boss 2 Boss 2 Khazard Warlord. Requirments:Tree Gnome Village. Ghost of Questing Past is ready for RuneScape gold the next fight. This is it! You're transported to another location. You again! I will not rest now.... Bring forth your fury! Now, take on the Khazard Warlord Level-56 and he will not be defeated. Ha! I'm just warming up. To take on General Khazard's Warlord You must be working more!
Then, take on the Khazard Warlord Level-112, and he will be killed. He will drop the Khazard Sigil. The KhazardSigil will bring you one step closer to the Crest of Remembrance. This is made of more than 20 different Sigils. Boss 3. The Jungle Demon.
I think that there should be day and night, and maybe even weather within RuneScape. You can adjust the Day and Night feature to function based on the time zone you log into. It'll be a great creation!
Certain quests can be completed at specific times of the day... like quests that require Vampires and the creatures of night may be completed only at nighttime. Certain creatures, such as Vampires or the undead may not be available in the daytime. Morytania may be an uninhabited place during the daytime, but filled with creatures in the night.
The desert night can make us feel less thirsty, so carrying just one or none of our water skins around won't be a problem. Some real world creatures, such the desert crocodiles can fall asleep in the night. Therefore, we need to figure out a way to either get past them (or get them to buy OSRS gold wake up) and take on the crocodiles.