NetEase Cloud Reading supports a wide variety of reading categories, including books, magazines, and subscription content. The first two are resources shared by traditional reading products, while subscriptions are mostly content for information products, such as ZAKER. It can be seen from the search bar that it has three parts: book search, subscription search, and article search. The first two are bookstore and information subscription modes, while the latter is an aggregation of fragmented reading, which decomposes information content into The retrieval of an article highlights the benefits of its aggregation.
However, because the content of information business email list reading is very extensive and convenient, it diverts a lot of book reading traffic. Informational reading is a free resource, and the income is not coordinated enough. Slide 4 Use scenario analysis Why is it not divided into user groups? I did not first analyze the division of user groups, because after the product development process, analyzing whether a product is used by someone and who is using it, in fact, most of them are personal conjectures and guesses. In the early stage of designing a product, the most important thing is to first summarize several possible usage scenarios,
infer the groups of users through the scenarios that can occur, and the market structure that may evolve. Therefore, the corresponding functions have been reversely rolled out for various usage scenarios of NetEase Cloud Reading. Slide 5 Overview of Using Scenario Analysis Slide 6 Competitive Analysis Identify competitors NetEase Cloud Reading mainly has two aspects, one is book and publishing reading for traditional reading needs, and the other is fragmented and information-based reading for mobile Internet, so two aspects are selected from these two aspects. The two competing products are ZAKER,